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Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising

Paul Tobey
How do you get a small business start-up off the ground during a recession? Paul Tobey and Jim Blasingame talk about some of the key steps that must be taken in order to get your new business started successfully.
Gail Goodman
Love conquers all the saying goes, but in a struggling economy, will this prove to be true for small businesses this Valentine's Day? Gail Goodman talks with Jim Blasingame about the results of Constant Contact's Valentine's Day outlook survey.
David Dawsey
Every small business has trade secrets. The question is how are you leveraging and protecting them? David Dawsey joins Jim Blasingame to talk about this important small business intellectual property issue.
Chantal Boxer
How one small business is thriving in the recession. Chantal Boxer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how her concierge business is expanding despite the turbulent economy by continuing to add value to customer relationships.
Michelle Goodman
How do you survive and thrive as a freelance professional? Michelle Goodman and Jim Blasingame discuss tips and best practices for starting a freelance career or becoming an independent contractor as a way of starting a new small business.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame describes two different attitudes he thinks small business owners should assume in 2009: the "Small Business Survival Attitude" and the "Somebody is buying something from someone somewhere right now, it might as well be you" attitude.
Ivan Misner
It's International Networking Week and Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to help small businesses celebrate with a positive discussion on how networking can help your business thrive, even during a recession.
Jennifer Abelson
Is your social networking strategy working? Are you keeping up with the latest social media best practices? Jennifer Abelson joins Jim Blasingame talk about how to integrate social media into your traditional marketing strategy.
Ed Abel
Focus on operating fundamentals to make sure you're small business survives, as Ed Abel and Jim Blasingame discuss, while simultaneously looking around for new opportunities so your business can thrive.
Gordon Plutsky
What is your small business doing to reach prospects over the new media? Gordon Plutsky joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how small businesses should be adding social media tools and applications to the company's overall marketing strategy.

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