Interviews RSS Feed

Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising

Joel Comm
What is the social media strategy for your small business? Are you using Twitter? Joel Comm joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the business advantages of Twitter and other social media. Joel also evaluates Jim's social media performance - it ain't pretty.
Steve Chandler
With so much fear in the marketplace, how can your small business be fearless? Steve Chandler and Jim Blasingame talk about attitudes and tools that you can employ to fight your fears and a slow economy successfully.
Ilise Benun
What are the most important marketing steps you can take in your small business in 2009? Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to lay out some of the steps, especially the ones that get you closest to customers.
Andrea Nierenberg
Relationships are even more critical to business success in a recession. Andrea Nierenberg talks with Jim Blasingame about several networking tips and best practices that will help you recession-proof your small business.
Kelle Olwyler
How do paradoxes impact the performance of our small businesses, especially in a recession? Kelle Olwyler talks with Jim Blasingame about how to identify paradoxes and actually take advantage of them.
Tom Asacker
Your ability to survive and grow this year will require doing things differently than last year. That's the advice Tom Asacker and Jim Blasingame offer as they talk about the new reality of the marketplace.
Jim Camp
What is your mission and purpose of your small business? After he reports on his most recent trip to Russia, and what he found there, Jim Camp talks with Jim Blasingame about why your mission and purpose is important.
Gene Marks
What does it take for a small business to blend their traditional marketing strategy with the new social media elements? Gene Marks joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to pull this off.
Jeff Jarvis
What can small business learn from watching Google, including their visionary approach to the 21st century, their successes and their mistakes. Jeff Jarvis joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the specific lessons Google is teaching everyday.
Tom Becka
What management and marketing lessons can small business learn from watching the Grammy Awards show? Tom Becka talks with Jim Blasingame about several marketing promotion lessons the Grammy Awards can teach us.

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