Jim Blasingame's Brain Trust®
Tom Asacker 
Tom Asacker is a writer, brand strategist and public speaker. His philosophies are outlined in several of his books, including A Clear Eye for Branding, Sandbox Wisdom, A Little Less Conversation, and The Business of Belief. Beyond his success as an entrepreneur and author, Tom is a recipient of the George Land Innovator of the Year Award; he holds medical patents and product design awards; and he is recognized by Inc. Magazine, M.I.T., and Y.E.O. as a past member of their "Birthing of Giants" executive leadership program.
Interviews with Tom Asacker»See all
Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to remind you that whatever you sell is a commodity, and that the difference you make as you serve customers is where sustainable success comes from.
Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss getting outside of our four walls to see how a changing world is impacting our lives and businesses.
Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the challenges analog humans face as we convert our 10 millennia analog dance into one that includes digital leverage.
Articles by Tom Asacker»See all
Tom Asacker writes on branding and how it affects the public image of politicians.
Wake your small business up this Spring and close the distance between you and your customers.
Tom Asacker writes about growing your market.
The number of customers hasn't changed, but their ability to tune out marketers has. Tom Asacker gives you some ideas on how to reconnect with your customers.
Books by Tom Asacker
In this thought-provoking and entertaining book, Tom Asacker, author of Sandbox Wisdom and A Clear Eye for Branding, pulls back the curtain on the workings of the mind and reveals the hidden logic to motivating behavior, both in ourselves and in others.
Whether you are launching a new brand or marketing campaign, selling products and services, coaching individuals or leading a team, this book will shatter your assumptions about leadership and the art of influence, and give you the invaluable insights required to understand and move others.
The Business of Belief is Tom Asacker’s most compelling—and important—book yet. It will fundamentally change the way you think about your work and your life. Use it as your companion and as a guide in this fast-paced world overwhelmed by complexity and choice.
The next big idea in business is BELIEF.
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Opportunity Screams: Unlocking Hearts and Minds in Today's Idea Economy by Tom Asacker argues that the leaders of the future--the winners in the marketplace of ideas--will be those who master the distinctions of that marketplace.
"There are doors, invisible metaphysical doors, to people's hearts and minds," Asacker says. "More importantly, there are specific keys and designs which will unlock those doors. I've spent the past twenty years decoding this seemingly incomprehensible mystery."
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What's your brand? Is it your company? Your product? Your store? Your department? You? My dream is that this little book will help you separate the 'truth'-about branding, marketing, selling, and corporate culture-from the 'facts': all of those trendy and complicated techniques, theories, and concepts being promoted as magic potions for growth. Once you've rediscovered the 'truth,' you will go out, challenge the status quo, and change things. You'll create a brand truly worthy of remark. Sandbox Wisdom is a way for you to reconnect to those human 'truths' that you once knew instinctively but may have forgotten. It's a way to awaken the subconscious wisdom of your childhood and revitalize your business and your life. Starting right now, stop waiting for others to lead and inspire you. Do as Gandhi recommended and be the change that you want to see in others. After all, you do have brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
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Tom Asacker does it again with The Four Sides of Sandbox Wisdom. In this sequel to his popular management parable - Sandbox Wisdom - this book offers a lifetime of inspiring insights. Many management books provide information on how to begin improving your business, but they involve complex analyses that no fast-moving manager has time to complete or constantly reference. The genius of The Four Sides of Sandbox Wisdom lies in the fact that it opens the mind and the heart and allows the planting of a seed for change, and it does it in an engaging and memorable way. This heart-warming story is for any type of business or organization that wants to infuse new spirit, energy, camaraderie and collaboration. It offers a bold new way of thinking about, and responding to, the personal and strategic challenges everyone in business faces today.
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A Clear Eye for Branding uses a conversational mode to help you understand how customers bring their own meaning to your brand and how the brand must constantly meet the customers' expectations in order to stay in its prime. You will see branding in new, clear ways with a renewed energy to put everyone in your organization from top to bottom, on the same path to supporting the brand.
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If you're confused and disillusioned by the simplistic techniques and acronym-laden formulas coming at you from every direction about how to create a brand that attracts customers, and engages and delights them, you're in luck! In this superbly readable and deceptively simple book, branding expert Tom Asacker explains precisely how today's successful brands are different from others, much different!
You'll finally realize why branding as media-based, image-making, and persuasive communication is rapidly losing its effectiveness, and why customers have tuned out the irrelevant chatter of dispassionate messaging and uninspired employees. Written by one of the leading names in the new marketing revolution, this pioneering book will inspire entrepreneurs of all stripes, shake the sleep out of an organization, and renew a focus on creating the kind of value that customers are happy to choose, talk about, and make an integral part of their busy lives.
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