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Category: Networking

Ivan Misner
Ivan joins Jim to talk about success and how networking will help you reach your goals.
John Dini
Jim and John talk about growing your personal services business and being a global company.
Andrea Nierenberg
Jim and Andrea talk about thinking about your current client base before going out to look for new ones.
Ivan Misner
Jim and Ivan talk about his new book. They also talk about the three levels of business conversations and the one that helps establish relationships.
Ivan Misner
Jim and Ivan talk about networking resolutions and how they are going so far this year. They also discuss how to successfully organize all of the business cards that you have collected.
Ivan Misner
Jim and Ivan talk about the concept of diversity in networking.
Andrea Nierenberg
Andrea joins Jim to help the people who aren't good at breaking the ice.
Ivan Misner
Ivan joins Jim to explain the impact of the "No call" legislation on networking.
Don Cooper
Jim and Don talk about the comeback of direct mail because of the increase of SPAM in e-mail and the tools needed for successful prospecting.
Tom Asacker
Tom joins Jim to talk about building relationships in an age of chaos, complexity, and change.

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