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Category: Communicating

Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the immutable requirement to be prepared for any business endeavor, whether making a sales call, seeking a job, delivering a proposal or conducting an interview.
Kristin  Zhivago
Kristin Zhivago joins Jim Blasingame to define digital transformation as the point where all of your communications and interactions in business is digital, not counting when face-to-face is called for, and how to navigate that landscape.
Sean Doyle
Sean Doyle joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that testimonials are always valuable, including during the late stage in the selling process, plus the power of a free demo.
Tom Borg
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that if you want to have more Baby Boomer customers, make eye contact, say thank you, and practice marketplace etiquette.
Skip Miller
Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that when a prospect keeps saying “maybe” you have to ask them the question of when would you need to take delivery of this product/service.
Skip Miller
Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that when you have a prospect that won’t pull the trigger, they keep saying “maybe,” give them some homework to do to find out if they’re still a qualified prospect.
Lisa Wentz
Lisa Wentz joins Jim Blasingame to recommend you use stories as a great way to get and keep engagement with your audience, and convey your message more successfully.
Lisa Wentz
Lisa Wentz joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how mannerisms and body language we develop and repeat will distract from the message you’re trying to convey to the audience, prospects and customers.
Lisa Wentz
Lisa Wentz joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the number one fear among most people, which is public speaking, and why it causes so much anxiety.
Kristin  Zhivago
Kristin Zhivago joins Jim Blasingame to define digital transformation as the point where all of your communications and interactions in business is digital, not counting when face-to-face is called for, and how to navigate that landscape.

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