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Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising

Pamela Harper
Pam Harper joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that as customer expectations evolve, we have to shift our strategy beyond facts and figures, to include the emotional elements.
Pamela Harper
Pam Harper joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the keys to reframing your strategic focus to discover new opportunities in a rapidly changing world.
Pamela Harper
Pam Harper joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of observing the actions of customers, beyond what they tell you they’re going to do, and then be ready to shift to that post-pandemic reality.
Kristin  Zhivago
Kristin Zhivago joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the things you must know about competing with Amazon when it comes to appealing to customer state of mind.
Kristin  Zhivago
Kristin Zhivago joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that state of mind is the most important factor in what motivates someone to seek a purchase, choose a supplier and what they buy, and what you have to do to learn what that is.
Ross Kimbarovsky
Ross Kimbarovsky joins Jim Blasingame to reveal three more analog human behavior principles to help you restart your business, including using proof sources, the seductiveness of scarcity, and anchoring.
Ross Kimbarovsky
Ross Kimbarovsky joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that our human customers receive our digital marketing attempts with human responses and we must focus on that with practices like “priming” with a key word, and leveraging the power of reciprocity.
Grant Leboff
Grant Leboff joins Jim Blasingame to first report on the toll of the coronavirus on the U.K., and then to explain how to talk with customers about doing business when you first start asking for business.
Grant Leboff
Grant Leboff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why before you reopen your business to customers you should revisit and reconfirm with customers whether your pre-pandemic value proposition is still valid and important post-pandemic.
Dawn Fotopulos
Dawn Fotopulos joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the essentialness of having an online presence – including a mobile site – as we shift into the post-pandemic economy.

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