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Category: Human Resources, Healthcare, Benefits

Bill Topaz
Is this a good time to start a small business? Bill Topaz joins Jim Blasingame to talk about this issue first and then move on to discuss the challenges of managing employees during a tough economic time.
Grace-Marie Turner
Are you aware that the Obama administration and Congress are making plans to take over the U.S. health care system? Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what anyone who thinks this is a dangerous direction must do to joins the debate.
Ken Gronbach
How will population changes impact global economies? Ken Grobach talks with Jim Blasingame about how birth rates and generational waves will influence the various economies around the globe in the future.
Jay Mincks
What will you have to do in 2009 to first make sure your small business survives, and then what will it take for you to thrive? Jay Mincks joins Jim Blasingame to reveal his success formula for enthusiastically taking your company to market in a recession.
Mary Hessler Key
What are the keys to successful small business leadership? Mary Key and Jim Blasingame talk about some of the critical leadership steps to take, especially when marketplace conditions create fear in the workplace.
Bob Graboyes
How will proposed healthcare reforms affect small businesses? Bob Graboyes joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the impact of some healthcare reform options, including private portable solutins and universal coverage by the government.
Joan Pryde
What does the stimulus package have for small business? Joan Pryde, with the Kiplinger Editors, and Jim Blasingame, talk about the stimulus package and other current events, including the economy in China and the U.S., laws concerrn layoffs, and other topics.
Eugene Griessman
What leadership lessons can small business owners learn from the life and hard times of President Lincoln? Gene Griessman joins Jim Blasingame on Lincoln's 200th birthday to talk about the enduring character of our 16th president.
Tim Irwin
In tough times, one of the most important things to focus on is the concept of personal character. Tim Irwin talks with Jim Blasingame about how to define character and why it matters so much.
Paul Howard
The so-called Stimulus Bill has too much in it for Medicaid and not enough to help small business keep and hire more employees. Paul Howard joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why more money for Medicaid isn't good and no money for small business is worse.

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