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Category: Human Resources, Healthcare, Benefits

Jim Ballard
How do we find peace in our workplace? Jim Ballard talks with Jim Blasingame about how find peace and productivity by finding out about other before we require them to listen to our story.
Steven Gaffney
Everyone thinks honesty is the best policy, but it's not always the easiest policy. Steven Gaffney and Jim Blasingame talk about some of the problems created when honesty is under pressure, plus a few tips on how to create a culture of honesty in your business.
Joan Pryde
The most pressing public policy issue today is health care reform and Joan Pryde joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the details and the likelihood reform will happen in 2009. Of course, Jim offers his take on the real agenda behind healthcare reform. Plus they discuss other issues, such as angel investors, the mortgage industry, etc.
Michael Stallard
How does leadership training promote employee engagement? Michael Stallard talks with Jim Blasingame about some examples and tips on how focusing on leadership promotes employee engagement.
Nancy Rosanoff
Can you find spiritual economics in your small business? Nancy Rosanoff says yes, and she joins Jim Blasingame to explain how to differentiate between fear and intelligence, and why this understanding will help you make better decisions in a crisis.
Judith Glaser
According to experts, we have not one brain, but five (maybe six). Judith Glaser talks with Jim Blasingame about new perspectives on how multi-brain small business owners behave, including how all of this manifests in the social networking universe.
Sam Norwood
The green arrows are mostly pointing upward on the Tatum Survey this month. Sam Norwood tells Jim Blasingame that while we've still got a long way to go to get out of this downturn, and while we still don't like the economic numbers, we've got to like the trend.
Steve Martin
What are the alternatives to laying off employees during a recession? Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to give some tips and tools to help you retain your talent during tough times.
Donna Fenn
Generation Y - born between 1977 and 1994 - are entering the marketplace and making their impact. Donna Fenn has been studying this group and she talks with Jim Blasingame about what motivates them and the impact they will have on the marketplace.
Brett Ellen
If you need to hire, or retain, high-performing employees, perhaps the best way is through a deferred compensation plan. Brett Ellen talks with Jim Blasingame about how these plans work and why you should consider them as part of your company's long-term strategy.

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