Interviews RSS Feed

Category: Human Resources, Healthcare, Benefits

Steve Zaffron
How do we get our people and teams to reach their optimum potential? Steve Zaffron talks with Jim Blasingame about how to get people to talk about where they are profession all and where they think they're going, as opposed to where would like to go. Then show them how they have more control than they may think.
Jane Howard
Pierce Howard
What do we need to know about personality as we deal making difficult decisions in a bad economy? Pierce and Jane Howard talk with Jim Blasingame about some of the key personality issues to recognize when laying off employees and making other difficult decisions.
Matthew Scott
Are you having difficulty transitioning from employment to ownership? Matthew talks with Jim Blasingame about the challenges people are having with all of the personal and professional transitions required these days, and how to handle them effectively.
Joan Pryde
There are brand new rules and regulations for small businesses that have laid off employees, including a Sept 1, 2008 retroactive requirement. Joan Pryde explains the details of these new COBRA developments with Jim Blasingame.
Michael Muetzel
How are the younger generations, Gen X and Y, impacting the workplace and the small business economy? Mike Muetzel joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how the emergence of these generations is different from the past, including the challenges and opportunities being identied.
Dave Anderson
What are the biggest mistakes to avoid when trying to survive in a serious economic downturn? Dave Anderson talks with Jim Blasingame talk about several management missteps not to take.
Chuck Martin
Can a non-performer become a performer? Can a performer turn into a non-performer. Should we focus on what people do well more than on what they don't do well? Chuck Martin answers these questions and others in this interview with Jim Blasingame.
Tim Berry
Succession planning is a big part of the long-term planning for millions of small businesses. Tim Berry has studied this and actually done it successfully, and he talks with Jim Blasingame about his advice based on his experience.
Justin Roff-Marsh
Take everything you know about your sales force management and throw it out the window. Justin Roff-Marsh joins Jim Blasingame to talk about completely re-engineering your sales process with a more efficient appoach to selling and managing the sales process.
Jim Sirbasku
What are the specific steps a small business should take to first survive and then thrive in 2009? Jim Sirbasku joins Jim Blasingame with several management tasks that will contribute to success this year and being ready to take advantage of the coming recovery.

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