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Category: Economy: Nation, Global

Gary Shilling
Is the U.S. doomed to repeat Japan’s economic failures? Gary Shilling joins Jim Blasingame to compare the U.S. economy and consumers with Japan, plus the effect of technology on productivity and a prediction of our economic future.
Gary Shilling
Gary Shilling joins Jim Blasingame to discuss past eras of dis-inflation and the current possibility of deflation, plus the influence of the current saving attitude of consumers on deflation.
Leslie Grossman
Leslie Grossman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the local and national economy benefit when you do business with a small business.
Leslie Grossman
Do you support small businesss in your town? Leslie Grossman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the Small Business Saturday initiative, encouraging consumers to patronize small businesses all year, but especially during the holidays.
Jim Blasingame
Is the lack of performance in your small business due to the economy or your lack of performance? Jim Blasingame talks about pain in small business and the importance of self-analysis to turn things around, just in case.
Jim Ostroff
What are some of the new capital resources for small business? Kiplinger's Jim Ostroff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss non-profit micro-financiers, like Grameen America, plus challenges ahead for the union political agenda.
Jim Ostroff
Did America lose the last decade? Kiplinger's Jim Ostroff joins Jim Blasingame to report on the lack of growth in America this past decade, why it happened, and what it looks like is in store for the next decade.
Gerald Celente
What are some of the global market influences to watch? Gerald Celente joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why small business should care about what's happening in the world economy, especially in Europe and the Euro.
Karen Kerrigan
Has public policy helped or hurt small business over the past several years? Karen Kerrigan joins Jim Blasingame to take a look at the impact of laws and regulations that have helped and hurt small business over the past several years.
Charles Kadlec
How does the U.S. dollar get back to the gold standard? Charles Kadlec joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why re-connecting the dollar to gold would be good for business, plus how this transition would happen.

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