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Category: Economy: Nation, Global

Nicole Gelinas
Why is there irony in the debate about tax rates and extending unemployment benefits? Nicole Gelinas joins Jim Blasingame to explain why lack of leadership in Washington has created the current tax debate and requirement to extend unemployment benefits.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame weighs in on the current debate including his belief that no taxes should be raised and the current rates should be made permanent. He also scolds Washington for favoring politics over leadership.
Joseph Frisard
Should small investors invest in the gold market? Joe Frisard joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how small investors can get into the gold market by investing in fractional gold coins, which are less volatile than other gold options and a lower entry point.
Joseph Frisard
Should you be investing in gold? Joe Frisard joins Jim Blasingame to report on the relationship of rising gold prices with other investment alternatives, including the elements of investing in numismatic gold coins.
Charles Wheelan
What's the most important lesson in economics? Charles Wheelan joins Jim Blasingame to talk about an important economic lesson: why markets work as well as they do and how economics work in real terms.
Charles Wheelan
What is a liberal economist? Charles Wheelan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the existence of liberal economists and what they are exactly, plus a look at socialist economies around the world.
Charles Wheelan
Why is economics sometimes called a dismal science? Charles Wheelan joins Jim Blasingame to explain what economics really is and why some people view it as a dismal science when it doesn't have to be.
Rick Smith
Are economic recovery signs real or imagined? Rick Smith joins Jim Blasingame to report on the real economic recovery signs he is seeing in the marketplace.
Doug Tatum
Are small businesses under attack? Doug Tatum joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the issues small businesses are facing in this economy, including tax policy, and how uncertainty is causing small businesses to be under attack.
Gary Shilling
Gary Shilling joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some investments to avoid, including commodities, plus the future of rental property investments and the value of the dollar and treasury bonds.

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