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Category: Economy: Nation, Global

Charles Kadlec
Should the U.S. dollar be good as gold? Charles Kadlec joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the dollar should be returned to the gold standard instead of the current "best efforts" monetary standard, and why small business owners should care.
Charles Kadlec
Is California falling off the continent financially? Charles Kadlec joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why he moved to California and whether the federal government will come to the rescue of this bankrupt state.
Bill Dunkelberg
The NFIB's Oct 2010 survey indicates small business sales are still weak. Dr. William Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to report that weak sales growth and uncertainty about public policy issues are still on the top of the minds of small business owners.
Bill Dunkelberg
What does the NFIB’s October 2010 Small survey show? Dr. William Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to say that economic attitudes reported by small businesses owners are still not good, with responses in the range typically seen during a recession.
Gary Moore
How great is America’s ability to work out of an economic downturn? Gary Moore joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the U.S.’s historic ability to work out of economic cycles, plus he and Jim disagree about the bail out of GM.
Gary Moore
Should we really be worried about the U.S. national debt? Gary Moore joins Jim Blasingame to report why he thinks we shouldn't worry too much about the current level of the national debt.
Paul J. Sarvadi
Are small businesses becoming more optimistic? Paul Sarvadi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal survey results that indicate sales are improving because commissions have increased, plus indicators that small businesses expect the economy to be much better by mid-2011.
Ted Fishman
Ted Fishman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the Chinese government's desperate behavior as one of it's dissidents wins the Nobel Peace Prize, plus how their behavior has created demographic challenges that will impact the rest of the world.
Ted Fishman
Ted Fishman joins Jim Blasingame to launch his book, "Shock of Gray" and discuss the aging global population is impacting the U.S, including our own economy, plus the political challenges of global aging on our economy and national security.
Ted Fishman
There is good and bad in the Earth's aging population. Ted Fishman joins Jim Blasingame to launch his new book, "Shock of Gray", and discuss the effects of the world’s aging population on global economies, including the benefits of this phenomenon as well as the challenges.

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