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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Rich Galen
How well did the presidential candidates answer the questions they were asked? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to report that Obama didn't answer the question about the economy and Romney didn't handle the Libya question well.
Russell Sykes
If there a political motive for Obama's changing of the work rules in the Welfare law? Russell Sykes joins Jim Blasingame to ask if the Obama Administration's waiving of the work rules for welfare recipients is politically motivated.
Jim Blasingame
What is the real unemployment percentage in the U.S.? Jim Blasingame reveals the truth about the politics of reporting unemployment and the results of a survey showing small business owners are not fooled by bad policies.
Andrew J. Sherman
How Main Street can contribute to better governance. Andrew Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on what Main Street America can do to demand more ethical governance in business and government.
Andrew J. Sherman
When does fiduciary responsibility and a small business converge? Andrew Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what fiduciary responsibility is and how it is found in the operation of many small businesses.
Andrew J. Sherman
Good corporate governance is important to all of us. Andrew Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to shed light on the concept of corporate governance and the standards of fiduciary, and why they should matter to everyone.
Catherine Kaputa
What branding lessons can we learn from the candidates? Catherine Kaputa joins Jim Blasingame to compare how Obama and Romney did in the first debate and what small business can learn about branding from that.
Catherine Kaputa
What is the essence of a brand? Catherine Kaputa joins Jim Blasingame to explain what a brand really is and who Romney and Obama demonstrated that you can't allow others to define yours.
Michael Muetzel
Does Gen Y think about trust differently than Baby Boomers? Mike Muetzel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how trust between the generations can be different, especially in small businesses and large corporations.
Brad Huisken
Accountability produces professionalism. Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how benchmarking accountability creates professionalism in your sales people and produces more sales.

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