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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Joyce Weiss
Morale building questions to ask employees. Joyce Weiss joins Jim Blasingame to discuss ways to increase morale & respect within the workplace by asking these questions in moderated team meetings.
Joyce Weiss
Who is in charge of morale in your company? Joyce Weiss joins Jim Blasingame to talk about creating a culture with high moral that emanates from employees but is supported by leadership.
Jim Blasingame
Forget liability, this election is about stark ideological differences. Jim Blasingame encourages all voters in this year's presidential election to listen to the debates based on ideological differences, not personalities.
Ruth Sherman
Why didn't Obama use his eyes more in the debate with Romney? Ruth Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to talk about learning from the mistake Obama made with his eyes and lack of energy during the first debate with Romney.
Ruth Sherman
What can we learn from the Obama-Romney debate? Ruth Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to say that we learned from the recent Presidential debate that there is no substitute in public speaking for preparation and practice.
Rich Galen
The moderator of the Obama-Romney debate lost control and it worked out. Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to explain why Jim Lehrer losing control of the Obama-Romney debate turned out to be great political theater.
Jim Blasingame
What is the ethical landscape on Main Street? Jim Blasingame offers insight into how small business owners address ethical issues, and offers three new principles to consider as guideposts.
Ruth King
How are you handling the multi-generational workplace. Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the challenges that the current multi-generational workplace is creating and how to manage it productively.
Austin Kiplinger
Don't miss this interview with a national treasure. Austin Kiplinger joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate his 94th birthday & Kiplinger's 89th anniversary, and put the current unrest in the Middle East into historical perspective.
Austin Kiplinger
Is the political environment worse than in the past? Austin Kiplinger joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate his 94th birthday & Kiplinger's 89th anniversary, and to put current political contention in perspective with our past political eras.

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