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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Gary Harpst
Expect your most challenging times to be your most creative. Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how recognizing the creative effect of economic pressure on the success of your business.
Leslie Grossman
Steve Jobs is arguably the most innovative entrepreneur of the last 20 years. Leslie Grossman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss unique vision and instincts of Steve Jobs and whether you and I can be more like him.
Terry Murray
It's okay to fall in love with what you do, but not with how you do it. Terry Murray joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that breakthrough success is created today by businesses that focus on creative solutions and being adaptable.
Jeff Zbar
Steve Jobs changed the world. Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on the entrepreneurial vision and global influence Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs, has had on businesses and consumers for over three decades.
Jim Blasingame
If Internet browsers are free, why would there be browser wars? Jim Blasingame reports on a recent Small Business Advocate poll on browser use, including a little history, a war, who won and why you should you care.
Kelle Olwyler
How could failure contribute to success? Kelle Olwyler joins Jim Blasingame to explain the paradoxical but symbiotic relationship between failure and success.
Kelle Olwyler
What really motivates us to be innovative? Kelle Olwyler joins Jim Blasingame to introduce the paradox of design, which says that desire is the mother of invention, not necessity.
Hal Gregersen
What are the keys to successful innovation? Hal Gregersen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the classic behaviors and practices of the successful innovator.
Hal Gregersen
Innovators connect unrelated things in unlikely ways. Hal Gregersen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why innovators may not intend to be disruptive, but the product of their curiosity at once creates and possibly destroys.
Greg S. Reid
Stickability without flexibility equals suicide. Greg Reid joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to find success with persistence - stickable - while avoiding being so focused you can't be flexible.

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