Interviews RSS Feed

Category: Innovation, Creativity

Jack Uldrich
Think of young people as reverse mentors. Jack Uldrich joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why, in this era of accelerated change, a younger employee or intern can become a reverse mentor, if your ego will allow it.
Jack Uldrich
Are you willing to risk what you know for what you might learn? Jack Uldrich joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you may not know your customers as well as you think and how a little research can lead you to new opportunities for your small business.
Jack Uldrich
Most of what you learned in the 20th century is now obsolete. Jack Uldrich joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why, in the 21st century, what you have yet to learn is more important than what you do know.
Joel Barker
What if the glass on your building turned into a computer screen? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to talk new coatings that can be put on glass to serve a number of energy and productivity purposes.
Joel Barker
What if dirt could solve the global warming problem? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss research that shows how specific changes in the way we manage soil could contribute to the absorption of carbon dioxide.
Zoltan Acs
How do Eco-cities solve climate change problems? Zoltan Acs joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Eco-city movement as a way to use entrepreneurship to solve the climate change problems without reducing standard of living.
Joel Barker
So, it turns out that cockroaches are beneficial? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss recent research on how the brain of a cockroach could hold groundbreaking information about how to fight harmful bacteria in humans.
Brian Moran
Did you do something really creative and innovative in order to survive the recession? Brian Moran joins Jim Blasingame to introduce the launch of Wall Street Journal’s “Small Business, Big Innovation,” competition to find the most innovative small business in the U.S.
Robert Brands
What can younger generations learn from Baby Boomers? Robert Brands joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the lessons Baby Boomers can teach younger generations and how to create value for customers and your business through innovation.
Robert Brands
How does your company continue to create and sustain innovation? Robert Brands joins Jim Blasingame to discuss creating and sustaining innovation through inspiration, failure, and through an open environment for employees.

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