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Category: Work-Life, Balance

Jim Ballard
Jim Ballard joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that working on how we deal with business issues can help us achieve a better, more balanced personal life.
Robert Levin
Robert Levin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how having an assistant manifests as a powerful lever of your time, and should be considered an investment, not an expense.
John Harrison
John Harrison joins Jim Blasingame to offer tips and suggestions on how to curb impulse spending whether online or otherwise, including discontinuing email notices from retailers you like.
Laurel Delaney
Laurel Delaney joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how she’s helping women overcome challenges that are unique to women entrepreneurs when they attempt to conduct global trade.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fact that life and the marketplace are always throwing us curveballs, and to offer some ideas on how to learn how to hit them instead of striking out.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to use a marathon runner attacking a steep hill as a metaphor for how to deal with the “hills” in business and life, and what kind of climber you are.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the things to do to minimize what causes you to wake up in the middle of the night, as well as some things to do after you wake up to get you back to sleep fast.
Jay Mincks
Jay Mincks joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the current economic crisis of businesses not being able to hire enough qualified employees, and some of the management adjustments being taken to deal with the problem.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals the Lincoln model for maintaining your good humor and perspective even when the world has kicked you hard, by appealing to the “better angels” of your nature.
Teru Clavel
Teru Clavel joins Jim Blasingame to reveal her ideas on how to reverse the poor showing of American school children against their global peers by raising expectations, and increasing teacher equity.

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