Interviews RSS Feed

Category: Work-Life, Balance

Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the advent of 5G mobile connections, what it will do as well as the deficiencies, including the fact that all mobile networks are fiber-dependent.
John Huber
John Huber joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the potential for positive things we didn’t expect to come from a pandemic that we wouldn’t have had without it.
John Huber
John Huber joins Jim Blasingame to offer his thoughts on how to deal with the new and additional stress of business loss, social distancing and potential health challenges.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the chaotic period we’re currently in, and recommend some calming steps to take, including; especially, only watching an hour or so of news each day.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that anxiety often begins from your gut, as we process information, and some of that anxiety could be lessened by a change in your diet.
Kita Szpak
Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why we have to differentiate between the peril from the pandemic and the dangers of the political response to it.
Kita Szpak
Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to share her thoughts on how to seek and find happiness during this unprecedented pandemic period, including recognizing quality of life aspects.
Michael Stallard
Michael Stallard joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on how to continue to connect to others while social distancing, including maintaining a connection mindset, try to be optimistic, and take care of yourself.
Michael Stallard
Michael Stallard joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the ways that our emotional state is being impacted by the response to the coronavirus pandemic, especially if you don’t try to maintain connections with your network of supporters.
John Huber
John Huber joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the potential for positive things we didn’t expect to come from a pandemic that we wouldn’t have had without it.

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