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Category: The Age of the Customer®

Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals the power of implications and how to identify and track them.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals how the velocity of change is increasing, especially where customer expectations are concerned, and how to discover what you need to be doing tomorrow and next year.
Pete Killian
Pete Killian joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways small businesses can survive and sustain success in an Amazon-dominated retail sector.
Pete Killian
Pete Killian joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the realignment of the marketplace with the new aggressiveness of Amazon and the retreat by the legacy retailers.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reports on how paradoxical our current marketplace is, by using a quote from Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities.”
Jack Uldrich
Jack Uldrich joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that Amazon plans to “deliver everything” and how that will disrupt Main Street small businesses.
Wayne Olson
Wayne Olson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the essence of what made Walt Disney a genius, which was his non-negotiable commitment to the customer experience.
Alan See
Alan See joined Jim Blasingame reveals all the ways to approach prospects today and why the cold calling methods are not only low percentage, but actually hurts your brand.
Alan See
Alan See joined Jim Blasingame to identify all the new ways we respond to prospects, especially online, and how we have to make sure they promote a relationship, not hurt our brand.
Kirk Cheyfitz
Kirk Cheyfitz joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the implications of the Amazon/Whole Foods merger for Main Street will likely be unprecedented, likely producing considerable collateral damage.

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