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Category: Organizational Strategies

Judith Glaser
According to experts, we have not one brain, but five (maybe six). Judith Glaser talks with Jim Blasingame about new perspectives on how multi-brain small business owners behave, including how all of this manifests in the social networking universe.
Ken Blanchard
Change is going to happen, so the question is, will someone in your small business lead change? Ken Blanchard talks with Jim Blasingame about this important topic.
Chuck Martin
Stop the presses: New research reveals that for the first time, employees place compensation ahead of all other employment elements. Chuck Martin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss this ground-breaking finding, where employees value compensation more than being appreciated by management, and why this is good news for small businesses.
Michael Stallard
Are you capable of being a servant leader? Michael Stallard joins Jim Blasingame to tips and best practices on the role of leadership in the success of any organization, including helping your employees to become leaders themselves.
Jane Howard
Pierce Howard
What is the key to building a team that can lead as well as execute? Pierce and Jane Howard talk with Jim Blasingame about how personality influences leadership and service tasks, and why every business should pay attention to personality when hiring and assigning.
Mark Richardson
How are you at leading your small business through the inevitable changes? Mark Richardson provides with tips and best practices with Jim Blasingame.
Kellyanne Conway
Do any of your employees work remotely? Could your company benefit from what is now called "Web Communiting?" Kellyanne Conway joins Jim Blasingame with a recent workplace survey which found that Web Communing is on the rise and increasing in popularity.
Stephen Shapiro
How much of teamwork success is mechanical and how much is creative? Stephen Shapiro joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to install the creative element into your teamwork structure.
Dario Priolo
What are the key issues small businesses should consider when taking dramatic reorganization steps in order to survive a recession and prepare for recovery?Dario Priolo joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the results of a nationwide survey on this topic.
David Gage
Why is a recession a good time for small business start-ups to consider a classic partnership, instead of going it alone. David Gage talks with Jim Blasingame about the efficiencies, leverage and also some of the cautionary issues of a partnership.

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