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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Ed Abel
Do you think you're the only one with your type of problems? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the benefits of small business mastermind groups, where business peers come together to confidentially discuss and solve problems.
Leslie Grossman
Are women entrepreneurs like they are portrayed on reality TV? Leslie Grossman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the negative way reality TV portrays women entrepreneurs, plus the reality of the differences between men and women in the marketplace.
Bill Dunkelberg
Where Washington and Wall Street meet, Main Street loses. Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the blatant collusion between Washington and Wall Street and the utter disregard for Main Street small businesses.
Jim Blasingame
How many canaries have to die? Jim Blasingame reports on the latest warnings about the potential financial disaster awaiting the U.S. if it doesn't get its fiscal house in order soon.
Jim Blasingame
Where is the sense of shame in Washington? Jim Blasingame reveals how the shameless behavior of Washington's political class in dealing with the budget is ignominiously compared to a Japanese Kabuki dance and Bizarro World.
Mark Murphy
Are you capable of extraordinary performance? Mark Murphy joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the secret behind reaching peak performance by focusing on the four steps of setting "HARD" goals: Heartfelt, Animated, Required, Difficult.
Mark Murphy
Do you push yourself outside your comfort zone? Mark Murphy joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the performance difference between "hard goals" and regular goals, and why its better to hire for temperament and motivation than experience.
Jay Myers
Are you taking advantage of the "Attaboy" ROI? Jay Myers joins Jim Blasingame with tips on how to combine recognition and compensation as a success equation for keeping good people.
Debbie Meyer
What have you learned in this recovery? Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about specific things your small business can do to maintain company integrity: motivate customers and employees, plus renegotiate to survive.
Debbie Meyer
Where should you cut back to survive this recovery? Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to suggest eliminating non-essential costs while keeping your current customers, being referral-worthy and also telling the truth.

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