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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Bill Schley
There are many different kind of entrepreneurs. Bill Schley joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the different kinds of entrepreneurs, from employees who take initiative to owners who want to stay small, to the gazelles.
Bill Schley
Can you business maintain an entrepreneurial culture? Bill Schley joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenges of maintaining an entrepreneurial culture throughout the growth and life of your small business.
Dave Anderson
The Bible is a great source of leadership lessons. Dave Anderson joins Jim Blasingame to talk about leadership lessons that can be learned from the Bible, including visioning, leading through crisis, and most importantly, redemption.
Dave Anderson
Your company’s culture dictates behavior and behaviors determine results. Dave Anderson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to evaluate your leadership style and develop a culture that will elicit commitment and not just compliance.
Dave Anderson
What is the difference in a manager and a leader? Dave Anderson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the differences between being a manager, which is about stuff, and being a leader, which is all about people.
Rick Lepsinger
Do your salespeople promise things other departments can’t fulfill? Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to minimize conflicts and avoid internal politics when establishing a matrix, plus the importance of open communication.
Rich Galen
How will the U.S. get its financial house in order? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenges members of the Senate are having to try to balance the budget and reduce the debt.
Rich Galen
Who will be the most likely Republican contenders? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the early campaign woes of presidential hopefuls, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, plus other Republicans who may enter the race.
Karen Kerrigan
Why do so many Washington policies hurt small businesses? Karen Kerrigan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the good, the bad and the ugly Washington policies that will impact small businesses, from taxes to energy.
Ed Abel
How much time do you spend on planning and strategy for the future? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why small business CEOs need to spend time to properly plan and execute strategies to prevent “shooting from the hip.”

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