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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Bruce Piasecki
Values aren’t inherent, they’re learned. Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the many sources that will help you establish your own values, including from mentors and reading about ethical behavior.
Bruce Piasecki
Customer want partners whose values are aligned with their own. Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the current evolution of business expectations from a value proposition toward values alignment.
Bruce Piasecki
21st century competition is about faith, hope and charity. Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the qualities of competition in the 21st century and why the winning combination is closely aligned with faith, hope and charity.
Eli Jones
Customers are looking for a trusted business advisor, not just another salesperson. Dr. Eli Jones joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why customers are more inclined to do business with companies and people they think they can trust.
Steve Beaman
America's two great threats come from within: Washington and Wall Street. Steve Beaman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why reforms in America must come from Main Street, as we take back our country from Wall Street or Washington.
Rob Jolles
In the 21st century, the most successful salespeople will become trusted advisors. Rob Jolles joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to differentiate yourself as a salesperson by becoming a trusted advisor, not just a vendor.
Kristin Arnold
Use team building words to increase your leadership credibility. Kristin Arnold joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to talk with your team members to address mistakes and encourage successful behavior.
Kristin Arnold
Leaders use positive communication to build successful teams. Kristin Arnold joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the words you use can either encourage or undermine your team building efforts.
Tom Taormina
Eliminate risk and increase profitability with a quality process? Tom Taormina joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to eliminate foreseeable risks promote profitability by committing to a quality process.
Tom Taormina
In the 60s and 70s, NASA was committed to ideals and common values. Tom Taormina joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the marketplace could benefit from the classic NASA values and commitment to ideals.

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