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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Chester Elton
Do your people buy into your ideas and believe what they do matters? Chester Elton joins Jim Blasingame to report on what research shows about the impact of positive culture change and how companies were able to improve their culture.
Pam Bilbrey
What are the characteristics of leadership when practices by women? Pam Bilbrey joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how the leadership styles of women contribute to success in the marketplace, but can also have the opposite effect.
Rich Galen
How long will Santorum stay in the Republican primary race? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to report why he believed Santorum will stay in the Republican primary race until the end of April.
Terry Murray
Will your management style allow the creativity your business requires? Terry Murray joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what managers have to be prepared to do in order to foster and lead the creative process necessary to compete.
Terry Murray
Competitiveness requires innovation, which can't happen without creativity. Terry Murray joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenges and importance of fostering creativity in today’s multicultural, multi-generational workplace.
Steve Forbes
What does Santorum have to do to stay in the GOP race? Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to say that Rick Santorum has to win a big state, like Wisconsin or Maryland, in order to stay in the race.
Tony Rutigliano
Before you can deliver your product you have to build trust. Tony Rutigliano joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why trust is more important today than ever before when creating customer relationships.
Jane Pollak
When you make yourself available, opportunities can happen. Jane Pollak joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why values matter when putting together joint ventures, plus making yourself available to opportunities.
Debbie Meyer
Are the people you speak to Ups or Downs? Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss ways to disengage from people who are not productive and bring you down, in business and in life.
Michael Stallard
Employees will be on board with your vision if they are included in the process. Michael Stallard joins Jim Blasingame to discuss creating a culture of relevance by valuing your employees and considering their opinions.

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