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Category: Human Resources, Healthcare, Benefits

Pierce Howard
Happiness is when you have more positive emotions than negative ones. Pierce Howard joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why some people are inherently happy and some are not.
Wally Bock
How much does your selling cycle impact who you fire to sell? Wally Bock joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how beyond basic traits that make a good salesperson, you should then hire people who fit your sales cycle.
Wally Bock
How different are selling skills across industries? Wally Bock joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the similarities and differences in sales skills between those who make quick sales and those who sell products that require a longer sales cycle.
Tom Anastasi
How can you find out if you have an employee or a contractor? Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the some key factors on what makes a contractor an employee, such as hours, tools, quality, schedule, etc.
Tom Anastasi
Are you tempted to say an employee is a contractor? Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what the IRS says defines an person you hire as an employee or a contractor.
Jorian Clarke
Do you want to be healthier, but don’t like to exercise? Jorian Clarke joins Jim Blasingame to talk about a fun online game that teaches better nutrition and fitness and can be played in the privacy of your office.
Jackie Wicks
Start blending an emphasis on health into your workplace. Jackie Wicks joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how you can help your team form healthy habits and accept personal responsibility for their long-term health.
Jackie Wicks
75% of good health is what you eat; 25% is exercise. Jackie Wicks joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to become healthier by making better food choices and increasing your energy level.
Dave Anderson
Your company’s culture dictates behavior and behaviors determine results. Dave Anderson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to evaluate your leadership style and develop a culture that will elicit commitment and not just compliance.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame talks about the challenges of the unemployed in today’s economy and the difficulty businesses have in finding qualified employees.

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