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Category: Human Resources, Healthcare, Benefits

Pierce Howard
Jane Howard
Research shows only 10% of training sticks. Pierce and Jane Howard join Jim Blasingame to discuss how much your business depends on well-presented training to the right people.
Richard Hooker
Companies are looking for functional employees with ideas. Richard Hooker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why companies in the new normal are looking for functional, entrepreneurial employees.
Richard Hooker
The new normal is a post-employment economy. Richard Hooker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss America’s post-employment economy because of increased efficiencies and technology.
Jay Mincks
How do you lead a successful sales force in the new normal? Jay Mincks joins Jim Blasingame to discuss developing a successful sales force by hiring the right people and offering a compelling compensation and recognition plan.
Jay Myers
What do fast growth companies do to grow during a slow economy? Jay Myers joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how his company has survived and grown by hiring the right people and focusing on their niche.
Kenneth Davis
Organized labor has long poltiical connections. Ken Davis joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the politics of Labor Day and unions, plus the current state of union public opinion.
Jerry Ripperger
Benefits are more than just health and retirement. Jerry Ripperger joins Jim Blasingame to reveal Principal’s 10 Best companies for 2011 and reveal how you can benefit from their best practices.
Jerry Ripperger
How do companies provide excellent employee benefits without government mandates? Jerry Ripperger joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how many companies partner with their employees on health, wellness and retirement benefits.
Terry Murray
In The Age of the Customer™, the competitive advantage has changed. Terry Murray joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how breakthrough success is being achieved by companies that know how to lead with their people.
Rob Jolles
Take extra effort to put the right managers between you and employees. Rob Jolles joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the most important hiring work of a small business owner is acquiring the right managers.

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