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Category: Government, Politics

Jonathan Zuck
What is the key to good privacy regulations? Jonathan Zuck joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to talk with your elected representative about the correct way to deal with online privacy so we don't stifle innovation.
Jonathan Zuck
Online privacy regulations often have unintended consequences. Jonathan Zuck joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how small businesses often are harmed when big companies violate privacy standards that result in sweeping regulations.
Tom Anastasi
How can you find out if you have an employee or a contractor? Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the some key factors on what makes a contractor an employee, such as hours, tools, quality, schedule, etc.
Tom Anastasi
Are you tempted to say an employee is a contractor? Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what the IRS says defines an person you hire as an employee or a contractor.
Michael Saltsman
How is technology exposing the failure of minimum wage? Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how minimum wage encourages technology adoption, plus the impact of minimum wage mandates on the teenage job market.
Michael Saltsman
Does the minimum wage actually help the people intended? Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the real impact of government regulation of labor prices, plus the actual demographics of minimum wage earners.
Jim Blasingame
America will default on its financial obligations. Jim Blasingame believes that America's will have no choice but to default on either its obligations to creditors or to its citizens over the next three years.
Jim Blasingame
Who do you blame for the U.S. economic problems? Jim Blasingame breaks down America's economic challenges and explains why the only solution will come from the American electorate resisting the pandering of Washington.
Julie Yack
How can you make a bigger difference for small business? Julie Yack joins Jim Blasingame to talk about being a member of an organization that fights for small business and talking to your Congress members about policies.
Barbara Weltman
Small businesses required to pay additional taxes – again. Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame with important upcoming tax dates, plus the new income taxes soon to be levied on “wealthy” $250,000 incomes earners.

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