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Category: Government, Politics

Steve Forbes
What do Republicans have to do to have a shot at the presidency? Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the Republican presidential hopefuls and what Republicans must do to win in 2012, plus the NLRB and the Boeing labor dispute.
Steve Forbes
The Fed is part of the economic problem, not part of the solution. Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to discuss today’s Fed meeting and how Fed policies are weakening the dollar and hampering the economic recovery.
Grace-Marie Turner
Which political party offers 21st century leaders? Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the political parties, including the Tea Party, and their candidates’ potential for success in 2012.
Grace-Marie Turner
The healthcare bill includes employee AND individual mandates. Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the failure of RomneyCare and how the bureaucracy of the individual and employee mandates are devastating Massachusetts small businesses.
Grace-Marie Turner
Will the healthcare bill be part of the 2012 campaign? Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to report on the impact of the healthcare bill on the 2012 elections, plus the similarities of ObamaCare and RomneyCare.
Charles Wheelan
Former Massachusetts Sen. Paul Tsongas said, “You can’t hate the employer and love the employee.” Charles Wheelan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the NLRB, a federal government board, is attacking Boeing’s expansion plans in S.C. and preventing new jobs.
Charles Wheelan
Is Greece the canary in the mineshaft for the U.S.? Charles Wheelan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss Greece as the first national government to practically default and it’s comparison to the financial plight of California.
Richard Vitarelli
Will the NLRB and unions close a Boeing plant in South Carolina? Richard Vitarelli joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the case Obama's NLRB and unions are bringing against Boeing for building a new plant in a right-to-work state.
Richard Vitarelli
Why would the government attack a business for building a new factory? Labor attorney, Richard Vitarelli joins Jim Blasingame to discuss right-to-work states and their fight with businesses against unions and the Obama administration.
Bill Dunkelberg
Could Greece become a Lehman Brothers scenario? Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how Greece’s generous social policies led to an unsustainable business model and why it's a warning to the U.S.

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