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Category: Government, Politics

Len Marrella
What is the ethical condition of Earthlings? Len Marrella joins Jim Blasingame to appraise the ethical condition of planet Earth and, recent behaviors indicate it is less than positive..
Nicole Gelinas
Market forces should be more influential to reform the U.S. financial system. Nicole Gelinas joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how markets should have more influence in reforming and regulating U.S. financial system.
Nicole Gelinas
Small businesses have become collateral damage from Wall Street bank behavior. Nicole Gelinas joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how small businesses are hurt by regulations meant to fix Wall Street bank bad behaviors.
Nicole Gelinas
Government regulations are not solving problems with the financial system. Nicole Gelinas joins Jim Blasingame to report on why politicians have not been able to prevent dangerous practices of the financial industry.
Arky Ciancutti
Fighting for trust requires dealing with the fear of rejection. Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to explain why we have to fight through fear of rejection and failure in order to re-establish trust in our businesses and institutions.
Arky Ciancutti
Why have we lost trust in our institutions? Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to explain how trust has been lost in our institutions and what we have to do to restore not just trust, but trustworthiness.
Bill Dunkelberg
What’s happening in Europe could also happen in the U.S. if the federal debt is not addressed. Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the economic upheaval in Europe and how that will ultimately impact U.S. small businesses.
Bill Schley
Main Street has become the collateral damage of Wall Street. Bill Schley joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how small businesses are squeezed in the regulatory war between Washington and Wall Street.
Jim Blasingame
Main Street must take back America from Washington and Wall Street. Jim Blasingame to discuss the great heroes of America, small business owners, and their assignment of taking back America from our failed institutions.
John Fox
Half of Americans do not pay any income tax. John Fox joins Jim Blasingame to discuss broadening the tax base by making sure everyone above the poverty line pays some income tax.

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