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Category: Government, Politics

Joseph Boyett
How much should the federal government get involved in our lives? Joseph Boyett joins Jim Blasingame to debate the role of the federal government and how much it should impose its will on our lives.
Camden Fine
How could a bank owned by the Chinese government be allowed to buy a U.S. bank? Cam Fine joins Jim Blasingame to reveal China's desire to own American banks and their recent success in doing so, plus China's desire to create community banks there.
Tamar Jacoby
Will Sen. Marco Rubio’s version of the Dream Act accomplish immigration reform? Tamar Jacoby joins Jim Blasingame to discuss Senator Rubio's approach to the Dream Act and why it may be disarm the Democrats.
Tamar Jacoby
No immigration reform has ever worked. Tamar Jacoby joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why attempts at national immigration reform has failed, plus the role immigration will play in the 2012 presidential election.
Giovanni Coratolo
Small business owners should lobby Congress for themselves - face-to-face. Giovanni Coratolo joins Jim Blasingame to report on the power of small business owners lobbying Congress, face-to-face, on Capital Hill.
Giovanni Coratolo
Are policy uncertainties spinning the U.S. back into a recession? Giovanni Coratolo joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the tax and regulatory deadlines could create a shock to the economy and lead to a recession in 2013.
Ray Keating
Like private equity firms, small businesses are founded to create wealth, not jobs. Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the debate on private equity and why jobs are the by-products of capitalism.
Ray Keating
Congress needs to stop enacting policies that are detrimental to small businesses. Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to discuss small business tax issues currently considered in Congress, plus policies that hurt small business.
Connie Certusi
It's Small Business Week in America. Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss Sage's involvement in National Small Business Week in association with the SBA, including how small business champions are chosen and recognized.
Len Marrella
What does American exceptionalism look like? Len Marrella joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the concept of American exceptionalism and what we have to do to not lose this unique national trait.

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