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Category: Communicating

Arky Ciancutti
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the concept of having a “Listener” involved in every conversation to help the parties find common ground, and that that Listener might be the intellectual honesty demonstrated by each of us.
Arky Ciancutti
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the reasons why America – Americans – are so divided today, and how returning to a devotion to trust could turn this unfortunate condition around.
Howard  Ross
Howard Ross joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to prevent the current cultural divide – especially politically – from interfering in the success of your business.
Howard  Ross
Howard Ross joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the increasing level of intolerance and intellectual dishonesty that has made Americans unable to disagree without having to show the other person is not only wrong, but not worthy of being in our “tribe.”
Debbie Meyer
Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the challenges that political correctness has created in how we communicate today, and how to avoid this mine field.
Debbie Meyer
Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss “Knowing your room” when deciding how and when to make a business communication, including what’s being said and what method is best for that specific person.
Debbie Meyer
Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why the Digital Age has created many new communicating options, but simultaneously created more communication challenges, and how to sort all of this out.
Skip Miller
Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that while hearing is an involuntary response of the ear, listening takes human intention characteristics and is essential for professional and personal success.
Christina Cavanagh
Christina Cavanagh joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the best email organizational practices that will help you manage email activity more productively.
Christina Cavanagh
Christina Cavanagh joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why with all of the new digital communication tools we have, email is still the application that’s become a business fundamental used by professionals.

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