Howard Ross
Howard Ross is a lifelong social justice advocate and the founding partner of Cook Ross. He’s considered one of the world’s seminal thought leaders on identifying and addressing Unconscious Bias. Howard has delivered programs in 47 states and over 40 other countries to audiences including Fortune 500 companies and major institutions within healthcare, government and non-profit sectors. He authored the Washington Post best seller, Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives and ReInventing Diversity: Transforming Organizational Community to Strengthen People, Purpose and Performance. His new book, Our Search for Belonging: How the Need for Connection Is Tearing Our Culture Apart describes how to bridge the divide in our increasingly polarized society.
Category: Communicating, Leadership, Ethics, Trust
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Howard Ross joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to prevent the current cultural divide – especially politically – from interfering in the success of your business.
Howard Ross joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the increasing level of intolerance and intellectual dishonesty that has made Americans unable to disagree without having to show the other person is not only wrong, but not worthy of being in our “tribe.”
Howard Ross joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to prevent the current cultural divide – especially politically – from interfering in the success of your business.