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Category: Cash Flow, Profitability, Credit, Collections

Sarah Petty
What basis do you use to price your products? Sarah Petty joins Jim Blasingame to offer tips and best practices on how to price your products and services in a way that drives gross margins that will lead to the success of your small business.
Gary Sirak
Will Americans learn to live within their means? Gary Sirak joins Jim Blasingame to offer tips on how to make better decision about living within your means, especially with large purchases.
Gary Sirak
Can the spending addiction of Americans be cured? Gary Sirak joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how America got into this financial and debt crisis and how to solve it at the personal level.
Robb Hilson
Small businesses are reporting increased optimism about the future. Bank of America's Robb Hilson joins Jim Blasingame to report small business demand for credit is rising, how a banking relationship is created today.
Robb Hilson
Running a small business is three times more stressful than raising children. Robb Hilson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss results of the new Bank of America Small Business Owner Report, plus what a small business banker does.
Ellen Rohr
Turn off the news and pay attention to YOUR economy. Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the future of your success is more dependent upon your business behavior than on the national economy.
Connie Certusi
How many automation tools do you use? Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to report on a new survey on how small businesses automate their task, including how to benefit from tools with integrated applications.
Jim Blasingame
Small businesses are finding themselves between a rock and a hard place. Jim Blasingame discusses the challenge small businesses have in finding pricing power during inflationary times and how to create a pricing power strategy.
Ruth King
Are you ready to stop struggling for cash? Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal a method of cash management that will ultimately help a small business stop worrying about cash flow.
Ornella Grosz
Do you know why you spend money? Ornella Grosz joins Jim Blasingame to explain that you can't find financial success until you're honest with yourself about how your financial behavior and relationship with money.

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