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Category: Work-Life, Balance

Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame celebrates Christmas with a beautiful poem about our men and women in military service and he pays tribute to their sacrifice and that of their families.
Joseph Bailey
With the speed of business and pressures to stay current, how do we find success without creating a casualty list? Joseph Bailey and Jim Blasingame talk about managing the whirlwind by focusing on how you deal with stress.
Jim Sirbasku
Are you able to set goals and accomplish them. Jim Sirbasku joins Jim Blasingame to talk about goal setting practices that have worked for him in his highly successful career. He also talks about the difference between a goal and a resolution.
Gretchen Rubin
What does it take to make you happy? Do you even know what happiness is? Gretchen Rubin talks to Jim Blasingame about how to set yourself on a path to happiness, including defining it your own way.
Tim Berry
Can entrepreneurs have it all - professional and personal success? Tim Berry and Jim Blasingame think it's possible and they discuss tips and best practices both have used for balancing work and life.
Dave Anderson
What did the recession of 2009? Dave Anderson talks with Jim Blasingame about what we learned in 2009 that we wouldn't have learned without the difficulties we experiences, and how to capitalize on those lessons in the future.
Ilise Benun
Has the recession been more difficult for shy people? Ilise Benun says yes, and she talks with Jim Blasingame about why and what shy people can do about it.
Andrew J. Sherman
Andrew Sherman and Jim Blasingame, a Jew and a Christian, celebrate Christmas together talking about frienships, tolerance and a wish for more understanding in the new year.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame celebrates Christmas with two Bible passages, followed by reading a passage from the book, Anam Cara, titled, "The greatest sin is the unlived life," by Jim's friend, the late John O'Donohue.
Jim Blasingame
Attempting the virtually impossible, Jim Blasingame offers his most inspirational thoughts on this Christmas Day, plus his best attempt to defend those who might be a little bit like Mr. Scrooge.

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