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Category: Women and Minority Issues

Judith Glaser
Joan Pryde
Judith Glaser and Joan Pryde join Jim Blasingame to share their stories about how they were first diagnosed with breast cancer, Joan in 2000 and Judith in 2001.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame talks about how ladies especially should be more careful as they use public conveyance technology, and how to ask for chivalry from men you know, and how to accept it when it’s offered.
Dr. Angela Smith joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the issues plaguing urban communities across the nation.
Leigh Stringer
Leigh Stringer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how much of a drain stress can have on team members, and research shows it’s worse for women than men.
Stacey Hanke
Stacey Hanke joins Jim Blasingame to talk about whether there’s a difference between how men and women listen, and therefore, interrupt, and she has some tips for both genders.
Ilise Benun
Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether men and women price their professional services differently.
Clara Villarosa
Clara Villarosa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal, after living 87 years, what she thinks is the key to wise living, including keep moving and keep thinking.
Clara Villarosa
Clara Villarosa joins Jim Blasingame to tell the story of her life as an executive, entrepreneur, author, mentor and mother.
Steve DelBianco
Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to report on efforts to shut down sites that promote sex trafficking, especially of underage girls.

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