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Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising

Kirk Cheyfitz
Taking advantage of "crowdsourcing?" Kirk Cheyfitz joins Jim Blasingame to define and recommend the concept of crowdsourcing as a way to grow your business organically and efficiently.
Mark Deo
Is it time to consider a non-traditional marketing strategy? Mark Deo joins Jim Blasingame to offer some ideas for your small business to adopt non-traditional marketing, including letting the customer get to know you before trying to close them.
Jim Blasingame
Why does every small business need to have an online strategy? Jim Blasingame reports on the basic components of a small business online strategy, including a website, local search and e-commerce, as well as a mobile component.
Camille Landau
How can you take getting referrals to the next level? Camille Landau joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how she has put the referral concept on steroids by creating a marketplace that brings unrelated parties together.
Joseph Jaffe
Social media = community creation = small business success. That's the message Joseph Jaffe brings as he joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to develop a small business social media strategy that is within any budget, including a multi-media component.
John Jantsch
Is it necessary to teach customers how to refer your small business? John Jantsch joins Jim Blasingame to explain why even your most loyal customers still need to be train in how to refer you to their friends, and they explain how to do it.
Rachel Braun Scherl
What happens when the degree of difficulty for women in business goes up? Rachel Braun Scherl joins Jim Blasingame to talk about scenarios where the degree of difficulty for women in business goes up, like marketing her feminine product.
John Jantsch
Would you like to turn your customers into a referral engine for your small business? John Jantsch joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the power and profit in establishing and maintaining a customer referral strategy for your small business.
Carolyn Rhinebarger
What marketing strategies do you need to put in place in order to grow your business? Carolyn Rhinebarger joins Jim Blasingame with five low-cost marketing strategies you can use to find and keep customers.
Alan Maites
How can you achieve an effective and balanced marketing strategy on a small business budget? Alan Maites joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to manage existing customer relationships and acquire new ones without spending a lot of money.

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