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Category: Management Fundamentals

Ed Abel
Don't make business planning a big deal. Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that many small businesses don’t take the time to plan because they don't break down big plans into smaller ones that require smaller decisions and result in smaller failures.
Jane Howard
Pierce Howard
Maybe you just need to get out of your own way. Pierce and Jane Howard join Jim Blasingame to discuss specific ways you can work around your unproductive personality traits to improve the performance of your small business.
Jane Howard
Pierce Howard
Resolve to change the things you can. Pierce and Jane Howard join Jim Blasingame to reveal examples of how to build mechanical devices into your resolutions to overcome personality traits that prevent performance.
Jane Howard
Pierce Howard
"A man’s gotta know his limitations,”said Inspector Callahan. Pierce and Jane Howard join Jim Blasingame to say that since you can't change your personality, think of new year resolutions that focus on things that influence your personality.
Tom Connellan
How can the power of “yet” can open doors? Tom Connellan joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to use the 1% solution for self-motivation, why the word "yet” is powerful, and how leveraged behaviors fosters customer loyalty.
Tom Connellan
The difference between an Olympic gold medal and no medal is often less than 1%.Tom Connellan joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how small businesses can significantly increase their competitiveness by simply improving many of the things they do by only 1%.
Greg S. Reid
How can you become a more successful leader? Greg Reid joins Jim Blasingame to offer more keys to success from Napoleon Hill, including positive mental attitude, self-discipline, go the extra mile and create a master-mind community.
Greg S. Reid
Do you know Napoleon Hill's keys to success? Greg Reid joins Jim Blasingame to talk about success characteristics, such as thinking accurately, learning from adversity and failure and being enthusiastic.
Greg S. Reid
What is compulsive punctuality? Greg Reid joins Jim Blasingame to report that all the great leaders were, and are compulsive punctuals, which is to say, not just showing up on-time, but early.
Janet Christy
Do you ever need help taking the first step toward taking action? Janet Christy joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why just taking that first step is essential to problem solving, plus why you MUST know who your profile customer is.

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