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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Grace-Marie Turner
What happens to the so-called "health care reform" legislation if Brown wins in Mass? Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the various steps that could be taken by the Democrats if they lose their filibuster proof majority in the Senate.
Gary Moore
Is there a conflict between our financial and faith lives? Gary Moore joins Jim Blasingame to report on the future of the marketplace and whether it will be better served by morality or objectivism.
Burton Folsom
Historian, Burt Folsom, joins Jim Blasingame to explain the similarities between Roosevelt's New Deal and the Obama newer deal, including the fact that most of Roosevelt's policies were destructive.
Steven Gaffney
Identifying common problems that inhibit small business performance, Steven Gaffney joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the hard questions that have to be asked and answered with brutal honesty, in order for your business to be successful.
Stephen M. R. Covey
What is the role of trust in the new marketplace era we're entering? Stephen M.R. Covey joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why operating with trust and fostering its growth will be more critical to success in The Age of the Customer™.
Grace-Marie Turner
Grace-Marie Turner and Jim Blasingame talk about what happens when politicians forget who elected them, who they serve and what standards they are to operate by. In America, these obtuse individuals and parties become their own worst enemy and thankfully, increasingly, it looks like "the people" are going to hold them accountable.
Leigh Branham
Re-engaging employees in a time of great workplace stress is becoming a unique skill in the wake of the Great Recession. Leigh Branham and Jim Blasingame talk about some of the motivational challenges that are unique to this recovery for most employers.
Seth Lipsky
Reporting on the evolution of governing with the U.S. Constitution, Seth Lipsky and Jim Blasingame discuss the document itself, how it has weathered interpretation over the ages and what are the greatest assaults on its fundamentals.
Michael Muetzel
What does it take for the generations to find common ground to communicate and work more effectively together? Mike Muetzel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to improve communication between Gen X and Gen Y with Baby Boomers.
Gary Harpst
There are four kinds of leadership development, according to Gary Harpst, who joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the way each one allows your small business to grow in a more sophisticated and therefore, more successful way.

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