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Category: Human Resources, Healthcare, Benefits

William Hubbartt
Bill joins Jim to talk about the do's and don'ts of planning an office holiday party.
William Hubbartt
Bill joins Jim to talk about how to increase your relationship with your employees with total compensation packages.
Jim and Joe talk about the Association Health Plans legislation that is currently before the U.S. Senate.
Jane Howard
Pierce Howard
Jane and Pierce join Jim to discuss how to make sure your personality works for you and not against you.
William Hubbartt
Bill joins Jim to discuss what to do about people in your organization who are habitually late.
Barbara joins Jim to talk about taking control of your professional life.
William Hubbartt
Bill, a human resources expert, talks with Jim about how now, when there aren't as many customers to serve, is the perfect time for training.
William Hubbartt
Bill joins Jim to explain the new H.I.P.A. rules and how they affect doctors, insurance groups, patients, and employers. They also discuss the costs of the act.
Jane Howard
Pierce Howard
Pierce and Jane join Jim to talk about vacations and what they have to do with personality.
William Hubbartt
Jim and Bill talk about Father's Day and what fathers teach their children about the value of work, drive, and success.

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