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Category: Human Resources, Healthcare, Benefits

Pam Bilbrey
Finding ordinary greatness inside of your small business might just be a few questions away, according to Pam Bilbrey, who joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to tap into the brain power and "rubber-meets-the-road" perspectives that your employees have.
Gary Harpst
One of the key traits of a true leader is the ability to train and encourage others to be leaders. Gary Harpst and Jim Blasingame talk about how to make individual workers more responsible and to become "self leaders."
Patricia Weber
Do you know if you're an introvert, an ambivert or an extrovert? Small business owner, do you know this about your employees? Patricia Weber talks to Jim Blasingame about the difference between these three personalities and why you need to know.
Sally Pipes
Dispelling the myths about American health care. Sally Pipes and Jim Blasingame examine the health care debate elements and dispel some of the myths, including the uninsured number and whether Americans will have longer waits for care under the Obama plan.
Donna Fenn
What do the rest of us need to know about Generation Y?Donna Fenn joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what she has learned about this influential generation who are between 18 and 32 years old, as employees, customers and even as employers.
Joan Pryde
What small businesses are doing to hold down health care insurance costs. Joan Pryde and Jim Blasingame discuss this issue, plus the future of the post office and concerns about IRS penalties on your 401K. This is also Kiplinger's 86th anniversary.
Jim Blasingame
What is at stake if the government takes over our health care system? Jim Blasingame talks about the absurdity of politicians taking only a few months to pass a law that would ultimately give government control over our health care industry, which is one sixth of the U.S. economy.
John Fox
How can tax reform be the best way to reform health care? John Fox joins Jim Blasingame to discus how the current health care reform debate could be solved with a closer look at tax policy.
Karen Kerrigan
Reporting on current small business policy issues, Karen Kerrigan joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the elements of the proposed health care reform legislation, like co-ops. They also talk about protectionist concerns over President Obama's tariff on tires from China.
Judith Glaser
Seek excellence in "we", not the perfection of "I", according to Judith Glaser, who joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the best practices that help small businesses do a better job of leveraging their staff, working with customers and collaborating with others.

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