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Category: Government, Politics

Pete Sepp
The big spending political party is whichever one is in power. Pete Sepp joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fiscal irresponsibility of both political parties, which is why actions, not campaign rhetoric is important.
Austin Kiplinger
With 93 years behind him, Austin Kiplinger joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate his birthday to comment on how Europe, the U.S. and other global powers are dealing with excesses of the past.
Gerald Celente
What would "direct democracy" look like? Gerald Celente joins Jim Blasingame to reveal his ideas about how America can get back to being great by changing to what he calls, "direct democracy."
Rich Galen
Why is Obama sounding shrill and desperate, even with his base? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the status of Obama’s campaign and how the Independents will ultimately view the two parties in 2012.
Rich Galen
Will Gov. Chris Christie enter the presidential race? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether Gov. Chris Christie will join the presidential race, plus a prediction for the ultimate GOP nominee.
Rich Galen
Does Herman Cain have a chance? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the whether Herman Cain's recent surge says more about him or the rest of the field.
Jim Blasingame
Obama’s 21st century campaign strategy defeated McCain’s 20th century campaign. Jim Blasingame explains how 21st century tools - email and social media - was the likely difference that helped Barack Obama become president in 2008.
Jack Mitchell
Main Street is more important to the economy than Wall Street. Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why America's economy needs to be driven more by Main Street and less by Wall Street and Washington.
Jim Blasingame
Is the president or Congress most responsible for the current economy? Jim Blasingame reveals results of a recent Small Business Advocate poll in which both Congress and the president get low marks for their economic policies and performance.
Ruth Sherman
How well are GOP candidates connecting with voters? Ruth Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what can be learned from the communication styles of the GOP presidential front-runners.

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