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Category: Government, Politics

R. Paul Williamson
Why doesn't the U.S. have a comprehensive energy policy? Paul Williamson joins Jim Blasingame to review the problems created by a lack of a national energy policy, including the folly of pursuing ethanol fuel.
Paul Howard
What is the ultimate goal of Obamacare? Paul Howard joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that a single payer health care system is the ultimate goal of Obamacare, not health care reform.
Paul Howard
Will Obamacare actually hurt the people it was supposed to help? Paul Howard joins Jim Blasingame to report on how some companies are making employment changes due to Obamacare that will not be good for their employees.
Amy Friedrich
Small business owners have revealed their top three concerns. Amy Friedrich joins Jim Blasingame to report on the recent Principal survey showing small business owners are most concerned with uncertainty about healthcare, the economy and taxes.
Grace-Marie Turner
Do you like your current health insurance plan? Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to report on how Obamacare will impact your current health insurance plan, including whether you can keep it or not.
Grace-Marie Turner
How will your state deal with the Obamacare healthcare exchanges? Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to explain the role of exchanges in Obamacare, how states decide how to manage them and why they could become a nightmare.
Grace-Marie Turner
What elements of Obamacare will we see in 2013? Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to report on Obamacare elements that will emerge in 2013, including state mandates and state exchanges.
Jim Blasingame
The next four years will mean many more regulations. Jim Blasingame reveals some of the new issues small businesses will have to deal with in the next four years, including many new regulations, diminished privacy and U.N. influence.
Jim Blasingame
What can we learn about Obama's second term from his first? Jim Blasingame joins Jim Blasingame to review the things President Obama did that hurt small businesses in his first term in order to be prepared for his second term.
Kenneth Davis
What impact did U.S. President have on the Thanksgiving Day holiday? Ken Davis joins Jim Blasingame to report on how U.S. president handled the evolution and progress of Thanksgiving Day.

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