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Category: Government, Politics

Bob McTeer
What will happen if the FDIC business deposit guarantees expire? Bob McTeer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether a failure to extend the FDIC business deposit guarantees will hurt community banks and, therefore, small businesses.
Jim Blasingame
If the FDIC doesn't extend the guarantee limit, it will hurt community banks. Jim Blasingame reports that if the FDIC deposit guarantee for all deposits is not extended, it will hurt community banks and, by association, small businesses.
Jim Blasingame
What does the fiscal cliff mean for small businesses? Jim Blasingame reports on the impact the so called fiscal cliff will have on small businesses, the lack of leadership in Washington and what small business owners think.
Jim Blasingame
Could some tax reform proposals be contrary to American values? Jim Blasingame reports that some tax reform proposals, like abolishing deductions for charitable giving, could be contrary to the values that are part of American exceptionalism.
Jim Blasingame
Dividing America with class warfare rhetoric is unworthy of the presidency. Jim Blasingame proposes that President Obama's rhetoric and policies that pit one group of Americans against another is small, and beneath the office he holds.
Eva Rosenberg
How will going over the fiscal cliff impact your taxes? Eva Rosenberg joins Jim Blasingame to report on the implications for your taxes if the government goes over the fiscal cliff.
Eva Rosenberg
What score does the IRS get for doing its job this year? Eva Rosenberg joins Jim Blasingame to report that the IRS gets a good grade for learning how to focus on high-percentage activity that offers the most return.
Rich Galen
What will 8 years of an Obama presidency mean for the world? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about whether the world can recover from eight years of Obama's failing to use America's super power status against evil.
Rich Galen
What are the chances we'll go over the fiscal cliff? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to report on the negotiations between Obama and Republicans regarding the fiscal cliff and what is likely to happen.
Rich Galen
What is the post mortem on the 2012 election? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the reasons Republicans lost an election to a president presiding over one of the worst economic conditions in generations.

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