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Category: Entrepreneurship

Tim Berry
Can entrepreneurs have it all - professional and personal success? Tim Berry and Jim Blasingame think it's possible and they discuss tips and best practices both have used for balancing work and life.
Waseem Daher
Entrepreneur, Waseem Daher, joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how his young company, Ksplice, won the Forbes "Boost Your Business" contest, plus he identifies the innovation that is his primary product.
Kevin Pigg
With the small business mortality rate so high, how can you reduce your chances of being part of this statistic? Kevin Pigg joins Jim Blasingame to offer some tips and best practices that will help you have a greater chance of finding success.
Ilise Benun
Has the recession been more difficult for shy people? Ilise Benun says yes, and she talks with Jim Blasingame about why and what shy people can do about it.
Jim Blasingame
Attempting the virtually impossible, Jim Blasingame offers his most inspirational thoughts on this Christmas Day, plus his best attempt to defend those who might be a little bit like Mr. Scrooge.
Maureen Farrell
How important is it to be able to articulate your business plan to others? Maureen Farrell joins Jim Blasingame to report that it is very important, including how one company did it so well that they got $100 grand for their efforts in the Forbes "Boost your business" contest.
Jean Newell
How can a real estate agent go from selling houses to becoming an inventor and then an entrepreneur? Jean Newell joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how she came to reinvent herself as an inventor and successful entrepreneur.
Jeff Zbar
Micropreneur expert, Jeff Zbar, joins Jim Blasingame to offer success tips and perspectives for doing business at the micropreneurs level in 2010.
Michael Medved
Dispelling the many myths about business and capitalism, Michael Medved joins Jim Blasingame to identify and dispute an increasing assault on the concept of market solutions over government intervention.
Mary Lou Quinlan
It's finally official: women aren't easy to understand. Mary Lou Quinlan explains to Jim Blasingame why women withhold information, and what businesses need to know in order to connect with them.

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