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Category: Technology, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency

Alex Terry
Whether you know it or not, you're using cloud computing. Alex Terry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss results of a recent poll on the adoption of cloud computing and IT outsourcing and the evolution of the role of IT personnel.
Bill Halal
What can a small business learn from Netflix and Blockbuster? Bill Halal joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how Netflix embraces the future of innovation and found success while Blockbuster didn't and found bankruptcy.
Bill Halal
Why do innovations create paradoxes? Bill Halal joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the paradox created by innovations as they become levers for some and disruptors, even destructors, for others.
Ed Yourdon
Could our commitment to cloud computing create future problems? Ed Yourdon joins Jim Blasingame to discuss potential issues arising out of our expanded use of cloud computing, including the loss of physical assets and potential for government control.
Ed Yourdon
How can small business find success in the cloud? Ed Yourdon joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how cloud computing has produced a number of powerful applications that help small businesses to compete on a higher level without a lot of capital.
Daniel Burrus
Fall in love with what you do, but not with how you do it. Dan Burrus joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you should learn how to "fail fast" as we move from a time of change to a time of transformation.
Phil Simon
The cost of starting a business has been drastically reduced because of technology. Phil Simon joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the efficient power of technology's 5 enablers: cloud computing, SaaS, open source technology, mobile, and social technology.
Phil Simon
Are you benefiting from the new technology or becoming a victim of it? Phil Simon joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the evolution of technological innovation is benefiting small business both in capability and pricing.
Adam Boyden
Are you following your customers home? Adam Boyden joins Jim Blasingame to discuss Conduit's free technology for creating a mobile app to help you follow your customers home.
Pete Lamson
How does online data back-up work? Pete Lamson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss Carbonite's data backup system, including the immediacy of automatic backup, plus accessing files remotely from a computer or mobile device.

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