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Category: Online Communities - Social Media

Kathy Perry
How do you find your niche in social media? Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal tips on social media practices, including finding your niche, doing keyword research and serving your target market.
Kathy Perry
Where is the small business advantage in social media? Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to continue their social media series including why it's relevant for small business, plus tips on your niche market and how to be laser focused.
Marsha Egan
Are you the Alpha member in your relationship with technology? Marsha Egan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss tips on putting you in control so you can use email and social media more productively.
Marsha Egan
Do you use technology as a tool or are you controlled by it? Marsha Egan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to avoid letting technologies, like email and others, become more than just a tool you use.
Neal Creighton
How does a small business execute a customer review feature on its website? Neal Creighton joins Jim Blasingame to explain three ways to put customer review technology on your small business website.
Joanne Black
How does a small business qualify prospects in the age of social media? Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to gain qualified referral prospects by incorporating the right mix of face-to-face with social media.
Leslie Kossoff
How does a small business use the quality process to build a values-based reputation? Leslie Kossoff joins Jim Blasingame with suggestions on how the quality process can help you maintain a great reputation with customers through the values you project as you do business.
Joseph Jaffe
With social media success stories and cautionary tales, Joseph Jaffe joins Jim Blasingame to identify how some companies have found success with social media and how some got into trouble.
Joyce Weiss
Does blogging and social media really matter for small businesses? Joyce Weiss joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why blogging and social media activity can become an important part of the way a small business finds and attracts customers.
Lee Rosen
How can you convert social media activity into referrals and customers? Lee Rosen joins Jim Blasingame with tips and best practices for how to turn what you do on social media sites, like Twitter, into paying customers.

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