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Category: Online Communities - Social Media

Lois Geller
How do you focus on social media without neglecting traditional marketing? Lois Geller joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the marketing evolution toward social media, plus how to drive users to your website.
Lois Geller
Excuses for poor marketing practices won't pay the bills. Lois Geller joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the excuses given by small businesses for why they don’t budget for marketing and social media.
Mary Cantando
The marketplace is moving forward at warp speed – are you keeping up? Mary Cantando joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the perils of not updating your website and not utilizing social media.
Jim Donovan
Are you meeting customer expectations? Jim Donovan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why customers expect you to have an online plan, including social media, video, and local search.
Mark Schmulen
Customer expectations determine your social media strategy. Mark Schmulen joins Jim Blasingame to report that more small businesses are using social media because customers increasingly expect to be reached there.
Mark Schmulen
Small businesses are increasingly turning to social media marketing. Mark Schmulen joins Jim Blasingame to report on the growth of social media marketing among small businesses who are taking advantage of customer community-building platforms.
Neil Rosen
How a small business transcended competitiveness with chatter marketing. Neil Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why chatter marketing is to the 21st century relevance what the product-of-the-month was to the 20th century competitiveness.
Kathy Perry
Social media platforms, like Facebook and Twitter are being compromised. Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the dangers of having your entire community building strategy dependent on public platforms, like Facebook.
Kathy Perry
Who knew a Facebook page could be hacked? Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the recent Facebook hacking and how you may be vulnerable, plus what social media scams look like.
Anita Rosen
Customers have more expectation options today than ever before. Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the many options to communicate with your customer community and why you should use whichever is relevant to them.

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