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Category: Legal

Bob Beauprez
Associate Justice Kagan was Obama's Solicitor General. Bob Beauprez joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why former Solicitor General, now Associate Justice, Elena Kagan must recuse herself from the Supreme Court case on ObamaCare.
Mark Davis
Digital assassins silently steal your content without attribution. Mark Davis joins Jim Blasingame to discuss types of digital assassins like “silent slashers” who steal or subvert the online content of others.
James Copland
Has your state adopted the Private Attorney Retention Sunshine Act (PARSA)? Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how PARSA reforms state contracts with independent law firms, creating a more business-friendly environment.
James Copland
Employers avoid states known for cozy relationships between the attorney general and law firms. Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how a state’s out-of-control litigation climate affects small businesses from insurance costs to loss of business opportunity.
James Copland
When trial lawyers find a new cash cow in state-sponsored litigation small business loses. Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the questionable practice of state attorneys general hiring litigation firms to do the state's work on a contingency basis.
Ruth King
Is your marketing relevant to your customers? Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to warn about the dangers of a big customer going bankrupt and taking a big chunk of your accounts receivable with it.
Guy Sorman
How much is China's stealing of U.S. intellectual property costing us? Guy Sorman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what do do about China's blatant practice of stealing intellectual property that costs the U.S. 7 millions jobs annually.
Guy Sorman
How much is China's stealing of U.S. intellectual property costing us? Guy Sorman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what do do about China's blatant practice of stealing intellectual property that costs the U.S. 7 millions jobs annually.
Grace-Marie Turner
Health Savings Accounts are a better alternative to ObamaCare. Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the characteristics of Health Savings Accounts not only defeat ObamaCare, but could save our healthcare system.
Grace-Marie Turner
How will the impending Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare affect the 2012 election? Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the impact of various scenarios of a Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare on the 2012 presidential election.

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