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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Dave Anderson
Establish a business culture that encourages accomplishment. Dave Anderson joins Jim Blasingame to explain why celebrating employees who accomplish goals and seek excellence is not at the expense of those who don't.
Dave Anderson
You have the right to define the culture of your business. Dave Anderson joins Jim Blasingame to explain why every business owner must be specific and emphatic about creating the culture in their business they think is best.
Ekaterina Walter
Here are two more things we can learn from Facebook's founder. Ekaterina Walter joins Jim Blasingame to reveal two more of the 5 business secrets we can learn from Facebook's founder, Mark Zuckerberg.
Ekaterina Walter
Can Mark Zuckerberg teach us anything? Ekaterina Walter joins Jim Blasingame to reveal three of the 5 business secrets she thinks we can all learn from Facebook's founder, Mark Zuckerberg.
Marsha Egan
What are the tools to conducting a successful disciplinary meeting? Marsha Egan joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the importance of redeeming an employee who needs to be corrected, and finding a way to make sure they listen.
April Simpkins
Are you ready to hire your first employee? April Simpkins joins Jim Blasingame to reveal steps to use when you're hiring your first employee, including developing a position plan to use and stick to when you're in the interview process.
Rich Galen
Why doesn't anything ever stick to President Obama? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to answer questions about why Obama seems to get away with things like the Sandy storm recovery and proposing collectivism in his inauguration address.
Rick Newman
What has happened to trust in America? Rick Newman joins Jim Blasingame to propose that we are entering an end of trust era, caused by failed leadership in Washington, Wall Street and the main stream media.
Rick Newman
Phil Mickelson only told the truth. Rick Newman joins Jim Blasingame to support Phil Mickelson's position that the combined California and U.S. income taxes are too much, and Phil has every right to say so.
Rick Maurer
Why should you look back on projects that failed? Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to explain that you can learn from failures in your business, plus why adjusting or ending projects is difficult, even when they're failing.

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