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Category: Journalists

Joan Pryde
Jim and Joan discuss the trends in retail sales, including the impact of online sales, as well as the trend towards industry consolidation. They also discuss the likely presidential candidates for 2008. They move on to talk about the expanding influences of globalization and wrap up with a brief discussion of recent developments in Palestine.
Rich Galen
Rich joins Jim to discuss several of the initiatives of President Bush’s 2005 State of the Union speech.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim discuss the president’s challenges in trying to meet his goal of cutting the deficit in half by 2009. They move on to talk about how some states are offering healthcare subsidies to their businesses. Also covered is a movement to reduce the use of social security numbers for identification due to an increase in identity theft. They discuss how this practice could place a hardship on businesses doing background checks. Also discussed is the fact that the new homeland security chief Michael Chertoff should be freeing up several billion dollars in contract funds for businesses to bid on. They also discussed innovative packaging including beer bottles in different shapes and talking packages. Finally, Jim and Joan comment on the courage of the millions of Iraqis who were not only willing to vote but to be branded as voters by the purple ink on their fingers.
Joan Pryde
Jim and Joan start their visit by talking about President Bush's inauguration. They also talk about job recovery, business cost, and other issues covered in the Kiplinger Letter.
Rich Galen
Richard joins Jim after returning from Asia to talk about the aftermath of the tsunami in India and Sri Lanka and the current clean up effort.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim start off their visit by talking about the elections in Iraq and whether or not they might actually happen. They go on to talk about issues covered in this week's Kiplinger Letter.
Isadore joins Jim to share some facts and information needed to take advantage of the latest medical developments.
Joan Pryde
After a holiday break, Joan joins Jim for the first Kiplinger Letter report after the new year.
Dr. Bob Arnot
Bob joins Jim to share some warning signs we need to be aware of in order to avoid a heart attack.
Joan Pryde
Joan joins Jim to discuss economic issues and other things covered in this week's Kiplinger Letter.

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